smol projects


ephem·​er·​al : /ɪˈfem.ər.əl/ lasting a very short time

bits : /bɪt/ the smallest unit of information in a computer’s memory

@bnjmn 2 months ago

Good enough isn't good enough anymore

@bnjmn 2 months ago

Let's be miserable together and happy when the sun comes back

@bnjmn 2 months ago

Maybe I'm a boor but I saw a surrealist exhibition yesterday and I'm none the better for it

@bnjmn edited 2 months ago
@bnjmn edited 2 months ago

"Unambiguous... Universal life experiences"

"Instant gratification on tap"

Taylor Swift's appeal explained

I tried listening to "Anti-Hero" a few days back, but it was incredibly grating. As soon as the prechorus hit with "When my depression works the graveyard shift", I was incredibly turned off by how literal the lyrics are.

I am not speaking on this as a source of pride, neither do I wear my disdain for T-Swift as a badge of honor. Rather, I am confused by the zeitgeist - an alien, a pariah for my lack of participation.

I guess I get, in theory, why people like this stuff. Still, I personally don't

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